
147 million families Learn more about 147 million families

  • Agricultural insurance pays 74.4 billion in seven years and needs to build a catastrophe risk dispersion mechanism.

    Agricultural insurance pays 74.4 billion in seven years and needs to build a catastrophe risk dispersion mechanism.

    Since the first pilot project in 2004, agricultural insurance has been developed for more than 10 years. According to the data released by the CIRC on August 28th, during the seven years from 2007 to 2013, China's agricultural insurance provided a total of 4.07 trillion yuan in risk insurance and paid indemnities to 147 million disaster-stricken farmers.

    2016-03-20 Agriculture insurance 7 years compensation 74.4 billion need to build catastrophe risk from
  • 1.47 million cooperatives cover 40% of the country's rural households.

    1.47 million cooperatives cover 40% of the country's rural households.

    Since the beginning of this year, all relevant departments in various localities have taken the development of farmers' cooperatives as an important measure to deepen rural reform and development, taking effective measures to strengthen system construction, improve support policies, strengthen guidance services, and guide cooperatives to standardize operation and innovate.

    2015-12-26 147 million families cooperatives coverage the whole country 40% farmers net news
  • The ranking of high-yielding rice varieties: Rice No. 147 in Kaohsiung ranks first, and it is the best rice variety in taste.

    The ranking of high-yielding rice varieties: Rice No. 147 in Kaohsiung ranks first, and it is the best rice variety in taste.

    What kind of rice do you choose to grow rice? the latest kind of rice has been planted. Is it the kind of rice you want? Let's take a look. In the "107 Taiwan Rice Talent Championship" just released last Wednesday, the rice variety "Kaohsiung 147" came first, with six winners.

    2019-01-11 Rice high yield variety ranking Kaohsiung 147 top is
  • 147 regiment to adjust the industrial structure, introduce virgin fruit and plant it successfully in the field.

    147 regiment to adjust the industrial structure, introduce virgin fruit and plant it successfully in the field.

    147 regiment to adjust the industrial structure, introduce virgin fruit and plant it successfully in the field.

  • Cultural Techniques of Indica Hybrid Rice Yueyou 938

    Cultural Techniques of Indica Hybrid Rice Yueyou 938

    Yueyou 938 was approved and named by Jiangsu Province in April 2000, and obtained national variety protection in May 2002. It is a three-line hybrid indica rice combination. Yueyou938 was bred by cooperation of Institute of Atomic Energy Agricultural Utilization and Institute of Grain Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Yueyou 938 was bred by crossing Honglian type fine quality three-line CMS line Yuetai a with Honglian type restorer line r1005-8 in Nanjing in summer of 1993. In 1994, the combination was tested in the Grain Institute of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  • Hebei Pingquan: mushroom fragrance in photoelectric field

    Hebei Pingquan: mushroom fragrance in photoelectric field

    Hebei Pingquan: mushroom fragrance in photoelectric field

  • Changhua County buys new computers to strengthen public health services

    Changhua County buys new computers to strengthen public health services

    (Taiwan Business News) Changhua County Government purchased computers and 24-inch LCD high-resolution large screens, so that every public health care colleague in the front line has a new computer. Yesterday (7) held a press conference on "Public Health Care New weapon, County people's Health easy", Changhua County Deputy County Mayor Ke Chengyi.

  • Chiayi Xingang Township Vegetable Agriculture Industrial Zone Developing Safe Agriculture

    Chiayi Xingang Township Vegetable Agriculture Industrial Zone Developing Safe Agriculture

    In 104, the 147-hectare vegetable farming zone was established in Xingang Township, Chiayi County, which mainly focuses on "Safe Health Energy" and "...

  • When the temperature rises, it is not too late to reduce the yield of wheat and cultivate new varieties.

    When the temperature rises, it is not too late to reduce the yield of wheat and cultivate new varieties.

    If no adaptive measures are taken, global wheat production could be reduced by 6 per cent for every one degree Celsius rise in the future, which will reduce global production by 42 million tons, equivalent to one pound of the current global wheat trade volume. Wheat plays a role in feeding the global population.

    2016-03-20 Temperature rising wheat yield reduction cultivation new species it is not too late
  • Liu Zengying, head of demonstration residence in Renai Village, Lianjiang County, will work with the unit to survey.

    Liu Zengying, head of demonstration residence in Renai Village, Lianjiang County, will work with the unit to survey.

    Lianjiang County Nangan Renai Village lot 147 demonstration housing has entered the site preparation, ready to start road engineering, county magistrate Liu Zengying recently in conjunction with the works office, manufacturer Jinyi construction, supervision company to the site investigation for one hour.

  • The beneficial Exploration of changing Resources into Capital and the difficult problems to be solved

    The beneficial Exploration of changing Resources into Capital and the difficult problems to be solved

    On July 22nd, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Wuhan Citizen's House for research and went to Wuhan Rural Comprehensive property right Exchange (hereinafter referred to as Wuhan Agricultural Exchange) to inquire in detail about the property rights transaction process, which is definitely a useful exploration. The General Secretary pointed out that deepening rural reform

    2016-03-20 Resources change capital beneficial exploration need crack
  • Good varieties are not afraid of poor market, many enterprises speed up commercial breeding.

    Good varieties are not afraid of poor market, many enterprises speed up commercial breeding.

    This spring and summer seed sales season is both the worst time and the best time for seed enterprises and the industry as a whole. The market is not good, inventory pressure is still the most common difficulties faced by enterprises. Take corn seeds as an example, although the seed production of hybrid corn seeds

    2016-03-20 Good variety not afraid poor market enterprise speed up commercialization
  • The report of agricultural damage in New Taipei City is non-stop to strive for the central cash assistance.

    The report of agricultural damage in New Taipei City is non-stop to strive for the central cash assistance.

    On the 3rd, Ye Huiqing, vice mayor of Xinbei, went to the north coast to investigate the fishing port of Jinshan sulfonate Port, aiming at the damaged crops such as watermelons, sweet potatoes, nurseries, and so on, to strive for central agricultural natural disaster relief and assist farmers to resume farming at an early date. And issued 2 semi-sunken ships.

  • Recruiting talents to promote Employment in Kaohsiung processing Zone a year ago

    Recruiting talents to promote Employment in Kaohsiung processing Zone a year ago

    The Kaohsiung Branch of the Export processing Zone Management Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs said yesterday that an employment recruitment activity would be held in the area on the 15th, providing more than 147 jobs, including engineers, production technicians and inspectors. Companies participating in the recruitment include Huaxin Technology (Kaohsiung Branch.

  • Jiudao 23 (formerly known as Jiu9423)

    Jiudao 23 (formerly known as Jiu9423)

    Selection and breeding unit: Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences Variety Source: Qingxi 96 / Tengxian 138 National quality Review Committee approval opinion: this variety belongs to the conventional variety of japonica rice, the whole growth period is 147 days, which is 4 days later than the control variety JiYujing. The yield is high and stable, the resistance to rice blast is weak, and the rice quality is medium. It is suitable to be planted in Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and the areas where the effective active accumulated temperature is more than 2850 ℃ and the incidence of rice blast is light. After examination, the variety conforms to the national variety approval standard and is approved.

  • Hongyou 5355 (Rice)

    Hongyou 5355 (Rice)

    The main results are as follows: (1) Variety source: it is a medium indica late maturing combination made by Ziyuhong Ai An and CDR5355 selected by Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Mianyang College of Economics and Technology. (2) characteristics: the whole growth period is 146.4 days, which is 0.7 days shorter than that of Shanyou 63, plant height is 113.7 cm, ear length is 24.6cm, ear has 147.1 grains, seed setting rate is 82.87%, 1000-grain weight is 29.7g, rice quality is excellent, and rice blast resistance. (3) yield performance: average of provincial and regional tests in 1997-1998

  • C you 22 (Rice)

    C you 22 (Rice)

    The main results are as follows: (1) Variety source: the medium indica late maturing combination of CA bred by Mianyang Economic and Technical College of C you 22 and CDR22 bred by Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences. (2) characteristics: the whole growth period of the combination is 148d, which is 1.2d longer than that of Shanyou 63, plant height is 111.4 cm, ear length is 25.7cm, effective panicle is 169000, spike is 147.5 grains, seed setting rate is 82%, 1000-grain weight is 29.5g, tillering ability is strong, plant type is compact, flag leaves are longer, erect, leaves are dark.

  • How does the praying mantis reproduce?

    How does the praying mantis reproduce?

    Mantis is a carnivorous insect, about 147 species are known in China. Including Chinese broadsword, narrow-winged broadsword, wide axe, brown mantis, thin-winged mantis, green jingling and so on, mantis is an important natural enemy of agricultural pests. So, how does the praying mantis reproduce? First, how does the mantis

    2020-11-11 Mantis what reproduction offspring mantis yes carnivorous insects
  • Jinyou 2248 (Rice)

    Jinyou 2248 (Rice)

    The main results are as follows: (1) Variety source: Jinyou 2248 is a medium indica medium maturing hybrid rice combination made by Jin 23A2248 from Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. (2) characteristics: the growth period of the combination is 147 days, the plant height is 110 cm, the average grain per panicle is 130, the seed setting rate is more than 80%, and the 1000-grain weight is 27-28 g. The plant has good leaf shape, strong tillering ability, erect leaf and dark leaf color. Most of the rice quality reaches the first-or second-grade high-quality rice standards issued by the Ministry. Disease resistance identification of leaf blast grade 4-5, neck temperature grade 2-5, light sensation pattern in the field.

  • Nuoyou 2 (Rice)

    Nuoyou 2 (Rice)

    (1) Variety source: it is a waxy hybrid rice combination bred by Provincial Institute of Nuclear Applied Technology and Chongzhou seed Company using self-sterile line N2A and restorer line 1) 091. (2) characteristics: the whole growth was 147 days, 0.5 days later than the control Jingnuo 6, the plant height was 115 cm, the tillering ability was moderate, the leaf color was dark green, the plant type was compact, the leaf margin was purplish red, the basal internodes of the stem were short, the total leaves of the main stem were 15, the ear length was 22.25 cm, the grain setting rate was 160 grains per ear, and the seed setting rate was 90%.
